Kelly Sans Culotte

Asian Dykes Take to Celluloid
An interview with a Taiwanese organizer of the upcoming international First Asian Lesbian Film and Video Festival to be held in Taipei. (3-31-05)

Going It Alone
Most Taiwanese prefer independence or the status quo, over reunification with China. (12-4-02)

Boisterous Taiwan
Just ten years after their first democratic elections, Taiwanese women, indigenous peoples, and lesbians and gay men mix it up with opponents, keeping democracy alive. (6-25-02)

Bush AOK on Taiwan, Puerto Rico Awaits
George W. Bush stumbled onto the side of the angels, Wednesday, publicly pledging "Whatever it took" to help Taiwan defend itself against a greedy China. Any day now he'll free Vieques. (5-1-01)

New Threats to Democracy
Including a divided legislature, crony capitalism, and sleazy lessons from America's Monica Lewinsky era. If you don't like the President—impeach him. (11-20-00)

The Beijing-Taipei Shimmy
In the ritualistic extravaganza of China-Taiwan relations, the inter-national dialogue seems to take place only in the press. Will it lead to change, or to war? (7-25-00)

Lesbian and Gay Taiwan: A Yardstick of Democracy
What does the state of lesbian and gay Taiwan tell us about Taiwan's new society? An overview through martial law, and the first years of democracy. (6-1-00)

Indigestible Taiwan
The revolving door colonialism of Taiwan's history, and current state of Taiwan-China relations. (4-10-00)

Showdown in the Sour Pacific
The implication of Taiwan's March 18 presidential election which will put the Nationalists out of business for the first time since 1949. (3-24-00)

Related Resources

Taiwan Human Rights Report 1999
Summary and introduction by THE GULLY of this U.S. State Department report exhaustively detailing both problems and progress in Taiwan.

The Taipei Times Online
The China Post
Washington Post: Taiwan
Yahoo! News: Taiwan
Fridae - Asia's Gay+Lesbian Network
Asia Times
Far Eastern Economic Review
Australia's The Age
New York Times: Asia Pacific (registr. req'd.)
The Economist: Asia

Human Rights Watch: Taiwan
Amnesty International: Taiwan
Government Information Office, Republic of China (Taiwan)
The ROC constitution
Taiwanese Government: Cross-Strait Relations
People's Republic of China: Cross-Strait Relations
China-Taiwan History
BBC: Taiwan Timeline 1945 - 2000
US: 1979 Taiwan Relations Act

Gender/Sexuality Rights Association Taiwan
Institute for Tongzhi Studies, CUNY

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