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The American political scene is in dire need of Visionary Pragmatists.
Why Republicans Need to Lose
Nader's Vanishing Act
U.S. Election 2000
Election 2000 by Kelly Cogswell NOVEMBER 6, 2000. There were cries of dirty dealing when the Democrats embraced welfare reform and a balanced budget, pulling the rug out from under the Republican Dumbos. They should do it again, win or lose, this time co-opting the Green Party's magic carpet: environmental issues, and globalization concerns. Why? Both becausewhatever else you think of Naderthe issues he's raised are too important to leave marooned on the Greens' moral high ground. And because the American political scene is still in dire need of Visionary Pragmatists.
Global Warming: Trendy Scenario, or Real Threat? This severe weather followed record rainfall in South East England in October and an exceptionally wet Septemberexactly the recipe for disastrous flooding predicted by scientists two years ago when looking at the potential effects of global warming on Britain. Michael Meacher, the environment minister, wrote in The Guardian, "It would be foolish to pretend that every time extreme weather conditions occur, it is due to global warming. But the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme climate phenomena suggest that although global warming is certainly not the sole cause, it is very likely to be a major contributory factor." Meacher then warned, "Climate change is not some trendy intellectual scenario for the distant future. It is with us now. It is therefore all the more remarkable that, during the recent fuel crisis, hardly anyone mentioned the environment."
The Environment's Economic Impact
Even now, there has already been an indisputable increase in global temperatures. Glaciers are retreating rapidly, while sea-ice and snow-covered areas have also significantly declined. The rise in sea levels has been 10 times greater in the last 100 years than the average rate over the last 3,000 years. The culprits: sulfate releases from industry, power plants, and, you guessed it, the automobile. While a few scientists dispute which greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming, the conservative and prudent source of action is to take immediate steps now, based on what almost all scientists believe. The United States alone is creating 23 per cent of carbon emissions, with Britain matching the entire continent of Africa at 3 per cent. Which means the U.S. must assume a big share of the responsibility. And not just for love of Mother Earth, or Fellow Man. Crudely put, these environmental disasters are expensive. They destabilize governments, undermine booming economies, thwart developing ones, and doom the non-existent. Big Business will be kissing their expanding markets good-bye. The same can be said for unfettered globalization.
Pragmatic Visionaries
The World Bank's overzealous belt-tightening imposed on developing countries comes not only at the cost of basic human needs like food, shelter, jobs, medicine, but undermines democracy which undermines market stability. The new objective of the Democrats, and the Republicans, too, for that matter, should be to move beyond the worn-out business versus people dichotomy, and imagine a "compassionate capitalism." Free from the traditional pieties of left, right, center, creative solutions may actually be found to intractable problems. Related links: For the Democratic National Committee. For the Green Party's official sitebeyond Nader. |
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