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By his own admission, Bush hates to read and is not interested in policy details.
Why Republicans Need to Lose
Rich and Humble George
U.S. Election 2000
Election 2000 Will Be President? by Toby Eglund NOVEMBER 6, 2000. As American voters seem poised to ring in the Bush restoration, a sobering reminder is in order: George W. Bush will depend on his advisors more than any other American President since the genial, clueless Warren G. Harding arrived in the White House in 1921. At 54, the Texas governor knows very little about the country in which he lives, and even less about the world. He has no larger frame of reference than his desire to restore his family's droit du seigneur through the happiest possible ending of his own prodigal son fairy-tale: arriving at the White House. By his own admission, Bush hates to read and is not interested in policy details. That's what advisors are for. As the scion of the Republican establishment's first family, the only thing Bush brings to the table is his presumed inherent right, therefore presumed ability, to lead. Therein lies the aura of inevitability of his presidential campaign from the start, and the triumphalism of these past couple of weeks.
A Cut-Rate Reagan Without some broader frame of reference, picking and choosing among the options offered by his advisors is not going to be an easy task for Bush, and may well result in random decisions sandwiched in between fishing trips with his dad. Advisors could soon turn into policy feeders, if they are not already. And the feed can increasingly turn into watery mush by the time it reaches the Oval Office. Both Reagan and Eisenhower got in trouble (Iran-Contra, Korean War) because of this, even if both had a sense of place (not class: place, as in, there's a world out there) that Bush lacks. If Bush wins, a sort of Presidential Hydra will govern the country in Bush's name for the next four, perhaps eight, years. Here is my forecast for the Hydra's main heads:
The Econo-Hydra Heads A bitter foe of Clinton's 1993 economic plan, Lindsey predicted (wrongly) that it would trigger inflation, and reduce the country's economic growth rate. Since then, he has been constantly forecasting an economic downturn and advocating a big tax breaka la Reaganto 'inoculate the economy' against it. Lindsey has criticized Clinton's antitrust policy as "radical", promising "greater sensitivity" in "respecting the private sector" by a Bush Jr. administration. Paying down the national debt is just a way for the government to hang on to the money until it finds new ways to spend it, he has said. And balancing the budget is not as important as what the government spends the money on. Lindsey's pet project is a corporate-friendly "structural reform" of the tax code. His greatest ambition: to succeed Alan Greenspan as Fed Chairman in 2004.
The Global Hydra Heads A provost at Stanford University, Rice was a Russian and Eastern European affairs analyst on the elder Bush's National Security Council. She wants the U.S. to focus on China and Russia (and get tough with them), forget what she calls the "periphery," and intervene only when U.S. "vital national interests," as defined circa 1980, are at risk (yes if the oil supply is in danger; no if someone is committing genocide or destabilizing entire regions with an ethnic war). Rice has told Bush it'll be just fine to shove a U.S. national missile defense system down Vladimir Putin's throat, scrapping if necessary the existing Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. (Russia and China have vowed to build new nuclear forces to overwhelm the defense system, thus triggering a new nuclear arms race, but Rice remains unfazed.) She has also promised to pull the remaining American troops out of the Balkans.
The Good Shepherd Hydra Head
The Bushkeeper Hydra Heads
While he worked for Bush, Rove was also on the payroll of Phillip Morris as a political intelligence operative. Last year, Rove got Bush reelected with almost 69 per cent of the vote and helped Republicans capture every single statewide office. A voracious reader who reportedly sees campaigns in historical terms, Rove has likened the Bush campaign to McKinley's successful 1896 presidential campaign in their inclusiveness, new vision/leadership tactics. Rove himself has been compared to McKinley's political Svengali, Ohio industrialist Mark Hanna.
The Bush Guru Hydra Head
If Bush gets to the White House, fame will undoubtedly revisit Olasky, who teaches journalism at the University of Texas-Austin, runs an anti-abortion service with his wife, edits the Christian newsweekly World, and cranks out a prodigious amount of right-wing tracts. His opus magnum so far is considered to be "The Tragedy of American Compassion" (1992). The list could go on and on. The White House is not big enough to harbor all of Bush's present and future surrogatesadvisors, gurus, and tutors. Expect, if elected, to see the multi-headed Bush Presidential Hydra develop multiple personalities. Related links: For Bush-Cheney 2000. For The Internet Home of Marvin Olasky. For Michael King's sharp portrait of Marvin Olasky, "The Last Puritan" (Texas Observer, May 1999). |
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