Kelly Sans Culotte

Last Word on The Gully
Democracy in danger. 4.3.06

Minstrel Shows
Shutting down one, applauding another in New York.
NYC's Mugabe Boosters
Zimbabwe Under Mugabe

Manifesto of the 12
Against Islamist totalitarianism 4.3.06

State of Black Union: Disappointing
Silence on queers, AIDS, churches. 4.3.06

Letter From Paris: Jesus Over France
Immigrant evangelicals stake their claim to France. (6-3-05)

God is a GOP, Jesus a 'CRAT
Taking sides in heaven. (6-3-05)

¡Viva Gonzales!
He's one of us. (2-3-05)

Chambers of Judge Alberto Gonzales
The caballero of torture rides into the Attorney General's office. (2-3-05)

Gays Excluded From Auschwitz Commemoration
The only victims not remembered — or invited. (2-3-05)

Marriage Equality Begins in Massachusetts
Separate but equal wrong for everyone. (5-19-04)

Torture and America
So this is us. (5-13-04)

Marriage Fight Energizes Queers
Republicans and Democrats beware! (3-10-04)

The Legacy of Al Baltrop, 1948 — 2004
Chronicler of New York City gay life since the 1970's.

Black Gay Leadership Group Vanishes
Americans mark the 1963 March on Washington, as the National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum dies. (8-21-03)

U.S. Dominicans and AIDS
On Miss Universe, sycophantic politicians, and the conversation that never happened. (7-10-03)

Nation-Razing in Liberia
Will Bush bite peace-keeping bullet? (7-3-03)

Skeleton in Newark's Closet
Laquetta Nelson is forcing homophobia out into the open. (6-19-03)

Erasing Sakia
Who's to blame? (6-6-03)

America, My Love
Uncle Sam and a gay immigrant from the land of the Islamic bomb. (5-20-03)

Navy Bids Vieques Adiós
The U.S. Navy announces it will end battle training on Vieques in May, but the job for activists on the Puerto Rican island isn't over yet. (2-13-03)

Creating Community in Exile
One Face of Gay Africa: Part 2. Cheikh Traoré talks about his life in London and his struggle to "invent this notion of being gay and African." (12-12-02)

Long Road Home
One Face of Gay Africa: Part 1. Cheikh Traoré is a 35 year-old AIDS educator working with African communities in London. He talks about his work, and what it was like growing up gay in West Africa. (12-4-02)

Black Farmers, Cuba Food Deal
The NAACP reached an agreement with Cuba to give preference to African-American farmers in future food purchases. (11-23-02)

The Father Of Us All
Remembering Harry Hay, gay activist, and labor organizer, who was the first to believe that homosexuals were a cultural minority, not a bunch of degenerate or misguided individuals. (10-26-02)

Lula's Closet
Lula da Silva, a former metallurgical union leader who never finished grade school, is on the verge of whipping Cornell-educated economist José Serra in Brazil's presidential race. (10-20-02)

Against Progress
"Protect the progressive agenda and vote Democrat," I'm told on a daily basis, or the floodgates to racism, homophobia, and a repeat of election hell 2000 will be flung open. (10-10-02)

California Dreams
Chris Lymbertos describes how she left Iran at seventeen to study in Greece, but burned her bridges when she became politically active as an out Iranian lesbian in San Francisco. (9-22-02)

Remembering September 11th as a Queer Muslim
Since 9/11, the world has changed. The "war on terrorism" has turned our communities into a battleground. And the Islamic principles of peace, social justice, and tolerance seem distant. (9-12-02)

Coming Out Against the Israeli Occupation: Part 2
The Gully interview with U.S. queer activist Emmaia Gelman continues with a look at suicide bombings and non-violent resistance, Palestinian leadership, the "coming out" quandary, and Palestinian queers. (9-12-02)

Coming Out Against the Israeli Occupation: Part 1
U.S. queer activist Emmaia Gelman talks about her visit to Israel and the West Bank, including the state of Palestinian refugee camps, and the importance of Jewish anti-occupation activism. (9-5-02)

Globalization Hits the Catskills
The World Summit's issues should be ringing bells in a region where the drought is also a metaphor for the economy. (9-5-02)

The Next Iraq War: Why Everyone Should Oppose It
Including why this war is an lgbt issue. (9-5-02)

Gay Labor Goes Global in Australia
The Gully talks with Ken Davis, Australian gay labor activist and organizer of the upcoming Workers Out! World Conference of LGBT Trade Unionists in Sydney. (8-13-02)

Nigerian Heros
Fed up with abject poverty in the midst of oil riches, Nigerian women stormed ChevronTexaco oil producing installations. (7-19-02)

Dubai Ports World: commercial racial profiling? (US)

Jim Crow and the Indians (US)

Arabs see phobia behind port uproar
Reuters (US)



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