Kelly Sans Culotte

The Rat Race: Elections 2004

U.S. presidential and congressional elections. Long shots, sure things, and all the obstacles in the maze. From The Gully.

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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Liberal Christians Mobilize to React to Religious Right
The efforts of conservative Christians to mobilize voters against same-sex marriage and abortion and in support of President Bush have stirred a growing backlash among more liberal believers. And they are taking their cues from the religious right.
(registr. req'd)

Crucial Florida Vote May Hinge On Burgeoning Latino Population
The state that decided the 2000 election remains as deeply divided over the choice for president today as it was four years ago, with President Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry deadlocked in Florida amid signs of extraordinary intensity and partisanship among voters, according to a new survey by The Washington Post, Univision and the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute.
Washington Post

Another small step for Kerry?
The third and final televised debate between George Bush and John Kerry focused on domestic issues. Instant polls called it a draw or another Kerry win, but will it do anything to boost the challenger's momentum?
The Economist

Registering a Hit
Democrats are winning the registration game, but what happens next?
American Prospect

Politics in the 'New Normal' America
During the spring and summer of 2004 some Americans, most but not all of them nominal Democrats, spoke of the November 2 presidential election as the most important, or "crucial," of their lifetimes.
New York Review of Books

Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Angry activists: Kerry Cho-ked on gay marriage
The controversial, foul-mouthed Cho was dropped from the bill because word got out that she was planning to slam Kerry and the Democratic Party on the gay marriage issue.
Boston Herald (US)

Kerry's daughter favors same-sex marriage
John Kerry favors civil unions, not marriage, for same-sex couples.
Planet Out via Yahoo! News (US)

Rising star brings Democrats to their feet
Barack Obama spoke about what America meant to him, the son of a Kenyan immigrant and a woman from Kansas. (US)

Triumphant in Loss
Outside the convention, Howard Dean is still a star.
International Herald Tribune

Navigating Two Wars and a Minefield
Iraq and Vietnam loom large.
The New York Times (reg. req'd)

Gays Organize for GOP Convention
Activists, citing need for gay-specific protests, organize "Gays Against Bush."
Gay City New (US)

The Democrats' convention
A man of strength and strong values. Oh, and wisdom too. But the burden remains on Mr Kerry to define himself.
The Economist (UK)

Thursday, July 01, 2004
Dems excited by prospects for VP
Kerry's choice could affect how the ticket plays with independents and moderates.

Both Campaigns Train the Spotlight on Cheney
Republican strategists are suddenly pushing the consummate inside guy into a more prominent role in the closely fought presidential campaign.
LA Times via Yahoo! News (US)

The politics of Michael Moore
The success of his new film is bad news for George Bush. But is it good news for the Democrats?
The Economist (UK)

When Voters Seek an Accounting
Whether in Canada or US, voters don't like government abuse of the public trust.
Christian Science Monitor (US)

The Greens Gather, Sharply Split Over Nader's Run
"We have a major problem, and that is George W. Bush. He's a huge problem. Bush needs to be out."
New York Times (reg. req'd)

Friday, June 04, 2004
Kerry Says He Would Add 40,000 to Army
In his most extensive remarks on the future of the American military, Sen. John F. Kerry said here Thursday that he would expand the active-duty Army by 40,000 soldiers, including a doubling of U.S. Special Forces; speed development of new technologies and equipment to meet threats posed by terrorist networks; and better integrate the National Guard into the nation's homeland security strategy.
Washington Post (US)

For conservative punks, it's about (equal) time
Music-powered voter Web sites? They're not just for liberals

Republicans struggling with insecurity
US election: George Tenet's resignation has added to a growing feeling that the US may be safer with a Democrat in the White House, says Philip James.
The Guardian (UK)

US Senate Up for Grabs
Democratic Party strategists are increasingly encouraged by indications that their party’s candidates stand a chance of winning back the United States Senate this November, an eventuality that would have an enormous impact on the ongoing effort mounted by Republicans to pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage.
Gay City News (US)

In 5 Words by Langston Hughes, Kerry Aides Hear a Likely Campaign Slogan
John Kerry's campaign has been a font of slogans and catch phrases, but until now none of them have caught on - even with him.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Swing States
George Bush was lucky to win Arkansas last time. Can he struggle home this year?
The Economist (UK)

Friday, May 14, 2004
Biggest Divide? Maybe It's Health Care
Nowhere are the policy differences between John Kerry and President Bush more apparent, health analysts say, than on what to do about health care.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Pragmatism drives N.H. Naderites to Kerry
Al Gore lost here in 2000 by 7,200 votes, and many Democrats blamed Nader, who drew 22,000 votes. It is this psychology of defeat, a fear of throwing the election to Bush, that will steer Naderites, as well as many undecided voters, to Kerry's side, campaign officials say.
Boston Globe (US)

Tech Execs Lean Right
Weiss attributed the slight Republican edge in technology contributions to the fact that more party members are currently in office. Technology contributors tend to heavily favor incumbents as recipients of their largesse, he said.
Wired News (US)

Why Kerry can't seem to get a bounce
Kerry backers wondered how the Massachusetts senator could actually lose ground against Bush in such a disastrous week for the president, as his administration grapples with the Iraqi prison abuse scandal.
Christian Science Monitor (US)

Monday, May 03, 2004
Lessons of Vietnam and the 2004 election
The fact that Kerry served in Vietnam is fine; the fact that George W. Bush did not serve does not make the difference between who should win the next election.
Boston Globe (US)

Dueling Immigration Ideas Frame a Key Election Issue
Congressional Democrats, playing catch-up with President Bush's guest-worker proposal, plan to introduce an immigration reform bill Tuesday that would put millions of illegal immigrants on the path to citizenship but restrict the entry of future workers.
LA Times via Yahoo! News (US)

Some Blacks and Hispanics Criticize Kerry on Outreach
They complain that Mr. Kerry's organization lacks diversity and is failing to appeal directly to minority voters.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

In search of a message
Not enough to not be Bush.
Economist  (UK)

Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Politics returns to campuses
Both campaigns invest heavily in student turnout.
Christian Science Monitor (US)

Poll Shows New Gains for Bush
Advantages over John F. Kerry in public perceptions of who is better equipped to deal with Iraq and the war on terrorism, and has gained ground on domestic issues. (US)

What Awaits the G.O.P. in Convention
The Republicans are coming to New York, holding their convention from Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Time for the Democrats to take a vacation? No way.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Specter Sport
Moderate Republicans, look out. Right-wingers are sharpening their swords for a fierce battle -- and not just in Pennsylvania.
American Prospect (US)

Kerry Was Right
Don't look now, but is the Bush administration creeping toward John Kerry's position on Iraq? (US)

Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Kerry Cites Growing Deficit in Scaling Back Proposals
In Cincinnati on Tuesday, Senator John Kerry also accused President Bush of misleading the country on federal spending and the war in Iraq.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Campaign hammer and tongs are out unusually early
A widely unpopular Iraq war and severe job losses have reignited an anti-Bush feeling that carried over from an election that many Democrats believe he stole from Al Gore.
Christian Science Monitor (US)

Check, Please
Catching John Kerry on the stump in Beverly Hills, hold the food.
American Prospect (US)

The sideline states
New York, California, Texas, and 28 other states considered 'out of play' for 2004 election; will be spared most of ad barrage.
Working For Change (US)

Monday, March 29, 2004
Mr Bush is basing his re-election campaign on his stewardship of the war on terror.
The Economist (UK)

A Trusted Bush Aide to Return, but Not to Washington
Karen P. Hughes is stepping up her engagement with the president's re-election, but her return has stirred some unease within the campaign.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Clipping the Presidential Price Tag
Yes, the Oval Office is for sale again, and Charles Lewis is back to tell the world who the buyers are.
Mother Jones (US)

Terror backlash hits Bush's votes
The damning testimony of former terrorism adviser Richard Clarke has left the President's team in disarray as their approval ratings begin to fall
The Observer (UK)

Bill, Jimmy . . . Meet Q-Tip
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Q-Tip drew more than 3,000 people paying at least $50 a head on Thursday night at Dream, a huge nightclub in northeast Washington. It was a young, racially mixed crowd, many at their first political fund-raiser.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Generally, tax experts like Kerry's plans
More help, tax credits could prompt hiring
Detroit Free Press (US)

Nader says he's fighting for democracy

Despite the pleas of friends and allies who believe he could end up playing the same pivotal role he did in 2000 and help tip a close election to President Bush.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (US)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Bush electoral strategy victim of new revelations
Charges by a former White House official that President George W. Bush ignored the threat posed by al-Qaeda have dealt a blow to the president's re-election strategy, which trumpets him as tough on security.
AFP (France)

Dems: United against Bush but divided over granting full marriage rights
Political parties skittish about hot-button issue
San Francisco Chronicle (US)

Both Sides Polish Badges to Appear the Best Suited to Fight Corporate Crime
In raising the issue in nearly every campaign appearance he makes, Mr. Bush is addressing a political challenge that extends well beyond the fallout from the allegations of fraud and other wrongdoing in the executive suites that came to light on his watch.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Scare Tactics
Americans are just beginning to develop an image of Kerry, so slapping a few derogatory keywords on him (and then reinforcing those over and over and over again) could be a good strategy for Bush. But going so negative, so early, isn't a surefire win for the Bush campaign. In fact, given there are months until the election, there's plenty of time for Americans to get tired of the dirty politics.
Mother Jones (US)

Bush is finally pushing constitutional ban; GOP only lukewarm
Political parties skittish about hot-button issue
San Francisco Chronicle (US)

The key to the state's voters is the economy
Exit polls conducted during Ohio's primary election show the economy is the paramount issue. Forty-one percent say their family finances have worsened since Bush was elected four years ago.
Cleveland Plain Dealer (US)

Saturday, February 21, 2004
Democrats United in Asking That Nader Not Enter Race
Some of Ralph Nader's best friends are desperately trying to persuade him not to run for president this year. The left-leaning Nation magazine has pleaded in an open letter, "Don't Run."
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Vietnam Is a Double-Edged Issue
Democrats laud Kerry's service; Republicans denounce activism.
Washington Post  (registr. req'd)

Edwards Undaunted By Tough Task Ahead
John Edwards's presidential campaign is in its engine-that-could phase. He thinks he can, and so do his crowds. They cheered him Friday from Georgia to the Maryland suburbs and finally here in Upstate New York, with the candidate at each stop cheerfully pronouncing himself unimpressed by the steep task in front of him.
Washington Post  (registr. req'd)

Swing State
the similarities between Wisconsin's role this week and in 1960 go deeper than most observers seemed to notice.
The New Republic  (US)

The Doctor is Out
Dean's problem, it seems, was that although he got the medium right, his message never quite clicked.
Mother Jones  (US)

Kerry rumor tests media's standards
Some conservatives are angry, but many media watchdogs are praising the way most American news outlets handled 2004's first titillating allegation about a presidential candidate's personal life.

Monday, February 02, 2004
On Campaign Trail, Edwards Combines Personal and Political
John Edwards's candidacy has become one of broad brush strokes and biography, drawing attention more for his distinctive style than for substance.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Kerry to confirm his ascendancy
US Senator John Kerry appeared set to put his seal on the Democratic presidential nomination today, with polls showing him well ahead of his rivals.
The Age (Australia)

Democratic gays dance to different tunes
US elections: Matthew Wells reports from Phoenix, Arizona, on how Democratic candidates are wooing the pink vote.
The Guardian (UK)

Who the Man?
The Democrats' macho mania
Village Voice (US)

John Kerry's presidential chances
How would the White House attack John Forbes Kerry?
The Economist (UK)

The Dead Center
Are the Democrats a party in search of a movement?
New York Times (registr. req'd)

'They dated Dean, but married Kerry'
New Hampshire voters have chosen John Kerry
The Guardian (UK)

Monday, January 05, 2004
Rivals in Debate Take Aim at Dean
The Democratic presidential candidates pummeled Howard Dean in a raucous series of exchanges on taxes and trade.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Derrick Z. Jackson: Dean's Blunt Talk About Race
"I'm trying to gently call out the white population."
Boston Globe (US)

Jeb Bush seeks '04 win for brother
With 27 electoral votes, Florida is expected to be the pivotal state - again - in deciding who gets the White House next January.
Tallahassee Democrat

Bill Kill
How to get the public interested in campaign finance reform? Think Pam Grier.
Village Voice (US)

God Tells Pat Robertson Bush Will Win in a 'Blowout'
"The Lord has just blessed him."
Village Voice (US)

The Deaniacs are locked in
What Howard Dean has to do now, says Michael Tomasky, is reassure everyone else.
American Prospect (US)

New York Times/CBS News Poll
The most recent poll found unease on same-sex relations, which has implications for the 2004 election.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

Monday, December 15, 2003
Union vs. Union on Iowa Campaign Battleground
Iowa has become the epicenter of a fierce labor battle between supporters of Richard A. Gephardt and Howard Dean.
New York Times (registr. req'd)

After capture: is Dean toast?
William Saletan starts from the Lieberman critique of Dean, but suggests that the capture of Saddam needn't blow a big hole in the former governor of Vermont's campaign, providing he behave like Bush from now on.
Slate (US)

Campaign takes another new turn
The capture of Saddam Hussein is the latest upheaval in a campaign season already redefined by an improving economy and an endorsement by Democrat Al Gore.

US should consult others on Saddam trial: Clark
US presidential candidate Wesley Clark , called to testify at the war crimes trial of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, said Washington should consult with the international community on how to bring Saddam Hussein to court.
AFP (France)

Fighting to finish second
Unless Dr. Dean slips on a campaign banana peel, the focus now seems destined to be on which of the other eight finishes second or otherwise beats expectations.
Baltimore Sun (US)

Dean mounts foreign policy challenge
Speech to spell out starkly different approaches to those of President George Bush on foreign policy, including a willingness to address swiftly border issues between Palestine and Israel and enter bilateral talks with North Korea.
The Independent (UK)

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